These are new threats facing schools. They are harming individuals. They are disrupting school schedules – and class time – and they are costing schools and taxpayers a lot of money. We need an effective and comprehensive response.
Schools Struggle to Keep Pace With Hackings, Other Cyber Threats
To better understand the cybersecurity challenges facing schools, Education Week talked with school leaders in Arizona, Connecticut, Montana, and Texas about the cybersecurity incidents they faced, and how they responded. They found that the country’s K-12 information-technology leaders are likely underestimating the dangers they face and that many are failing to take even basic steps to secure their networks and data.
Hackers Target Student Data as Schools Report Increasing Cyberattacks
Cyber attacks are increasingly hitting schools in the U.S., targeting sensitive student data. Why are hackers zeroing in on schools and students – and what can we do about it?
On Cybercriminals Making Direct Threats Against Students
Designed as they are to target children and families and generate fear, this series of attacks represents a significant evolution of the types of online threats facing schools.
When Twitter Goes Bad
What recourse do schools have when their Twitter accounts get compromised?
It turns out, maybe not much…
There Can Be No Privacy without Security
If there is an Achilles’ heel to a future of robust personalized learning for all K-12 students, it is the uneven attention to the cybersecurity risks facing school information technology assets and data. In this post, I offer emerging lessons about real and perceived information security issues facing schools from the data underlying the K-12 Cyber Incident Map.
Should We Be Sending Students Who Hack Their Schools to Jail?
Since 2016, multiple news reports document that K-12 students are being charged with and convicted of crimes for hacking their schools. In other cases, these incidents have led to students being expelled. Are schools and the police over-reacting to student hacking of schools? Are our current laws and school policies appropriate? It may be time for a hard look at these questions.