Patch management advice misses the mark when it assumes IT capacity that simply doesn’t exist in most school districts.
National Cybersecurity Standards for School Districts
K12 SIX has released the first in a series of guidance and best practice resources designed to establish baseline cybersecurity standards for school districts.
Federal COVID-19 Relief Monies Eligible to be Used for Cybersecurity
March 10: K-12 Cybersecurity Leadership Summit
Join us at the inaugural ‘K-12 Cybersecurity Leadership Summit’ – a free half-day event on leadership issues related to K-12 cybersecurity for school and district leaders, policymakers, K-12 IT practioners, and vendors.
The Privacy of 100+ Million Children, Families, and Young Adults Is Unprotected
School districts across the US suffer from notoriously poor information security. This is at a time when school district spending on technology is at an all-time high. Why is this?
K12 SIX Launches 🚀
K12 SIX is the first and only national, non-profit organization dedicated solely to protecting schools from emerging cybersecurity threats.
GAO: Recent K-12 Data Breaches Show That Students Are Vulnerable to Harm
An important new report on the prevalence and impact of K-12 student data breaches, based on K-12 Cyber Incident Map data.
The Public Disclosure Conundrum
School districts may not have to disclose cybersecurity incidents to families or employees. Yet, opting for secrecy comes with even bigger problems.
Introducing the K-12 Cybersecurity Self-Assessment
The K-12 Cybersecurity Self-Assessment is free 20-minute, 50-question assessment intended to help IT leaders to identify and prioritize school district cybersecurity controls.
Working Together to Stay Cyber-Secure During a Pandemic
COVID-19 has demonstrated the importance of continuity in education. But with increasing reliance on remote learning due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, school districts are even more vulnerable to cyberattack.