The K-12 Security Information Exchange (K12 SIX) is the first and only national, non-profit organization dedicated solely to protecting schools from emerging cybersecurity threats.
Membership is open to public and private school organizations.** K12 SIX is also actively recruiting sponsors and partners.
Being launched under the umbrella of the Global Resilience Federation – which brings a 20 year history of successfully supporting and launching sector-specific threat intelligence and best practice sharing communities – K12 SIX has recently named key personnel to its management team with deep K-12 experience, including Doug Levin of the K-12 Cybersecurity Resource Center in the role of national director.
K12 SIX operates like an enhanced Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) and enables public school districts and private school organizations to securely work together against current and emerging threats from ransomware attacks, phishing campaigns and systems vulnerabilities, among other risks.
As the K12 SIX membership grows, so does security awareness for the entire community. If one school finds itself targeted by phishing or malware attacks, it can warn others. The larger the community, the greater its ability to detect and respond to emerging threats. In addition to member contributions, K12 SIX staff review, enrich and disseminate actionable alerts based on intelligence from private security vendors, other sharing communities, and government sources. Biweekly calls with security analysts allow members to ask for and receive guidance.
You can find K12 SIX online at, on Twitter at @K12SIX, and on LinkedIn.
** NOTE: K12 SIX memberships are FREE to eligible school organizations for a limited time.