The price of getting information about your child’s school should not be losing your privacy to online ad brokers.
Educational Android Apps Improperly Track Children
Often with their parents’ encouragement and supervision, young children are increasingly relying on mobile apps—even services that may not have expressly been designed for them—for learning. While parents have an expectation of privacy for their children when they use these apps, a new study suggests that parents’ trust may be misplaced.
Of note, some of the brands engaged in tracking may be quite familiar to readers…
Cybersecurity and the Problems with FERPA and COPPA
Both federal policies – FERPA and COPPA – presume that schools have the resources and knowledge to assess their own data security practices, to say nothing of their vendors. Emerging evidence says otherwise.
The COPPA Rule, FERPA, and the Security of Student Data
Both FERPA and the COPPA Rule presume that schools have the resources and knowledge to assess their own data security practices, to say nothing of that of their vendors. Emerging evidence suggests that this presumption should be challenged. The FTC and ED can take affirmative action to improve the security with which schools and their vendors treat student data.
Are Schools Helpless, Hapless When it Comes to IT Privacy and Security?
Advocates would have us believe that school districts are incapable of making responsible decisions about technology-related privacy and security issues affecting students. Even if they are correct about the current state of affairs – and they just might be – it doesn’t abdicate our responsibility to help schools and educators do better.